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Writer's pictureMehak Mahajan

Stop Telling People Everything

Silence is beautiful; want to know why? Because it makes us powerful selves, nobody can hurt you if they don't have anything against you. There are days when we suffer bouts of verbal diarrhea, oversharing, and talking on all-the-minute issues, and after this, we become the most vulnerable version of ourselves. Our secrets are in an open space, so we get tenfold of issues in return. that's why today's topic is "stop telling people everything".

Stop Telling People Everything

The Importance Of Stop Telling People Everything

In today's interconnected world, where social media dominates one's thought process, there's an overpowering urgency to share every bit of our lives with strangers. This doesn't always bode well, and we should be selective while sharing our details. In this blog, I will share the importance of keeping things to yourself to help you be at peace and protect your emotional health at all costs.

Here's why you should keep things to yourself:

1. Maintaining Privacy and Establishing Personal Boundaries

One of the common reasons to stop oversharing is to protect our privacy and set some personal boundaries. When people share every aspect of their lives, they risk their sanity and allow others to invade their personal space. It is crucial to keep things to yourself to preserve one's individuality and control over life.

For instance, I grew up in an extended joint family where oversharing seemed normal. But that landed me into tons of issues and unwarranted opinions. Plus, those statements become lethal weapons for your destruction.

2. Secrecy is Intriguing

Not everyone should know your plans, and succeeding without making a noise lets you keep your failures to yourself without any third-person intervention. Elements of mystery enhance our persona; we invite curiosity and intrigue from others instead of sassy comments. This is a sought-after trait for balancing both professional and personal life effortlessly.

Not sharing the deepest, darkest secrets initially allows genuine connections to flourish. You know who you can trust your words with and what lengths that other person can go to protect them.

3. Prioritizing Emotional Health

People knowing details of your life can take a toll on your emotional state. At times, confessing your feelings may lead to extreme vulnerability and be subject to harsh judgments. Taking a stand for your emotional well-being is pivotal in discerning what details to share and with whom.

Being selective here establishes a sense of control and comfort, reducing the risk of invalidated opinions. I have an emo mantra, i.e., Smile at people and frown in mirrors. Nobody can help you be happy, so nobody needs to know why you are sad.

4. Developing Genuine Connections

As previously mentioned, not all must have your secrets. When we don't overshare, we make space to foster genuine conversation to build connections. You can gradually build trust and authenticity by being selective in revealing your information. This way, no one gets hurt.

It's always wise to have fewer friends than befriending each other later. When people don't know your tiniest details, they have a neutral opinion of you, which will only lead to top-tier relationships.

5. Preserving Professional Reputation

Nobody likes their dirty laundry in a professional setting, and being selective while disclosing helps prevent workplace embarrassment. Oversharing at your workplace may risk your professional reputation and even your job at state. Only sharing professional details and information regarding work will make you credible and sensible.

For instance, let's say I am pining over a young man and spill this over to my colleague. Of course, I will become a laughingstock for the entire week. Not a dream picture to paint, Right? Setting up some boundaries and being picky with your words can ensure everyone takes you seriously in the office without putting out an attitude.

6. Introspection Sneaks in

When we talk less, we think more; this is the most basic human instinct or behavior. Keeping things to yourself offers a chance for self-reflection. When we refrain from expressing our thoughts, we give ourselves space to think about them deeply. This further helps in analyzing the needed reactions and emotions.

This contributes to self-growth and self-awareness, helping us better understand ourselves and establish core values.

Stop Telling People Everything

Ever Wonder, Why Are You An Over-Sharer?

There might be various reasons why you share your things with everyone. I have listed some possible explanations to help you determine the cause; I hope this helps!

1. A Reaction to Isolated Life

Do you belong to a close-knit circle and are often found alone? People with past trauma find solace in isolated spaces. So, your habit of oversharing might stem from being isolated for long periods.

2. An Un-dealt Past Trauma

You have some unresolved issues in the past. While you seem to handle it on the front, the trauma has embedded into your personality. So it's visible when even the slightest things go out of your hand.

It's like an overflowing dam, and the floodgates of emotions rush through on the unlucky person who unleashes your wrath.

3. Social Media Bee

Something happens in your life, and you rush to share that on social media. Do you often find yourself doing this?

You are breathing for the GRAM; things around you must be insta-worthy. Everybody in your contacts uploads their life on the net. What's the harm if you do the same?

4. Seeks Comfort in Attention

I thrive on attention. Who doesn't love when the spotlight is on them? None, even introverts, sometimes wish to steal the show, although rarely.

As a result, you tend to overshare and tell your life stories to keep them hooked. This satiates your attention thirst and offers fake reassurance.

Stop Telling People Everything

Summing up!

My mantra of Life is to share insights when and where needed. When we overshare, we expose our vulnerable sides and invite prejudiced judgments and pity talks into our lives.

Whether at a family dinner or corporate meeting, your choice of words and talk determines your value. Be apt at what you speak or share; some may sympathize and backstab simultaneously.


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