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Writer's pictureSibghat Tabassum

How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but balance, order, rhythm, and harmony." Says Thomas Merton.

A healthy, fit mind can contribute to good health. A balanced life entails maintaining a positive attitude, focusing on healthy practices, and reducing stress. Work-life balance refers to an individual's prioritization of personal and professional activities and the extent to which activities connected to their jobs are present at home.

Working mom

Have you ever felt a tug? When you're working, you're concerned about leaving the office in time to see your son's cricket match. You are concerned about the report you have yet to start while out to dinner with friends or playing with your children.

You recognize the significance of work-life balance, yet achieving it seems nearly impossible. It can appear to be an impossible task these days. Thanks to technological advances, workers can now be reached around the clock, and fear of job loss motivates people to work longer hours.

Indeed, 94% of workers reported working 50 or more hours per week, with nearly half reporting working more than 65 hours per week.

When COVID-19 entered the picture, the discussion around balance work life altered, and 70% of the workforce started working from home. So much for "don't bring work home with you."

When you do your job remotely, there are no distinctions between your personal and professional lives. You could eat dinner at the kitchen table while using your work laptop, or you could be reachable by your manager and co-workers via smartphone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

How important is work-life balance?

It refers the ability to meet your obligations at work and home while still having time to enjoy your hobbies and interests in your spare time. Everyone has a distinct ideal of it.

  1. Improved physical health: Working too many hours can cause stress, which weakens the immune system and leads to recurrent bouts of illness. A solid balanced work life protects your health, resulting in fewer sick days and more energy for your activities.

  2. Greater Productivity is not dependent on the amount of time spent on duty; it is directly proportional to the amount of focused time you allow with a tremendous and balanced mentality. It allows you to accomplish more in less time. When you concentrate on one item at a time, everything goes well.

  3. It also aids in career progress; a healthy mind allows you to devote your full attention to your job, which is both productive and beneficial to your career.

  4. More creative: No matter what field you are engaged in, issue-solving requires creativity. When your life is in harmony, thoughts flow more freely, and solutions to difficulties seem more prominent.

  5. Happiness: When it comes to working, if you are pleasantly working, looking forward to new duties, ready to take on the challenge with a can-do attitude, and simply contentment with minor things, these are symptoms of happiness.

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How to achieve a Healthy and Balanced Life

  • Recognize that a perfect work-life balance does not exist.

When you hear the phrase "work-life balance. "You probably envision a fruitful day at the job." He or she was then preparing to leave early so she could spend the remainder of the day with friends and family. While this appears to be the ideal circumstance, it is only occasionally feasible.

Don't try for the perfect timetable; you may focus more on your duty on certain days, while on others, you may have more time and energy to explore your hobbies or spend time with your special ones. Balance is achieved over time, not daily.

It is critical to maintain flexibility and regularly review where you are regarding your desired priority."

  • Work out and meditate.

"Putting your health first will make you a better person." "You will miss less of your job and be happier and more productive when you are there."

Even when we are pressed for time, we make time for the essential things in life. We eat, use the restroom, and sleep. Although one of the essential needs, exercise is typically the first item to go when our calendars load up.

Exercise is an excellent stress reliever; it circulates feel-good endorphins throughout your body. It improves your mood and can even give you a one-two punch by putting you in a meditative state.

  • Workplace hybrid

A hybrid workspace combines the benefits of working at home and in an office. They are an excellent option for anyone who wants to combine the benefits of working from home and in an office.

They are an excellent option for folks who want some of the benefits of working from home but miss the atmosphere of an office. When an individual receives such advantages, it inspires intense gratitude toward their boss and turns them into champions for the particular company. As a result, an extraordinary relationship between employee-employer.

  • Find a job that you love

Work is an anticipated societal standard; your profession should be open. You will not be happy if you dislike what you do. You don't have to love the whole thing about your job, but it should be appealing enough that you don't dread getting out of your mattress in the morning.

Painting Home, Husband and wife working together

You are so enthusiastic about finding a career that you would do it for free. "Something is amiss if your job drains you and makes it tough to do the activities you enjoy outside work." You could be working in a toxic atmosphere, under a toxic person, or doing a job you despise. If this is the current scenario, it is time to look for a new job.

  • Don't be frightened to unplug your devices

Technology has improved our lives in various ways, from telecommuting to tools that make the things easier. It has, however, fostered expectations of perpetual accessibility. Workdays always seem to need more time to finish, and there are moments when you should turn off your phone and enjoy the moment.

Breaking ties with the outside world help us to recover from stress and creates an environment for new thoughts and ideas to develop. Unplugging can be as simple as rehearsing transit meditation on your daily commute rather than reading work emails.

  • Time management

Time management is crucial to maintaining a healthy balanced life, yet most people overlook it. As a result, they find themselves utterly exhausted at the end of the day and unable to take care of themselves. Therefore, one must ensure that they have a suitable schedule in place for the day.

To prevent burnout:

  1. Establish boundaries for both you and your co-workers.

  2. Avoid thinking about forthcoming projects or responding to work emails as you leave the workplace.

  3. Think about getting a second phone or computer for your duty so you can turn it off after the shift.

  4. Use different browsers, emails, or filters for your business and personal platforms if that isn't possible.

  • Set priorities and objectives (and stick to them).

Determine what's vital in your life first. Everyone will have a different list, so be sure it accurately reflects your priorities, not anyone else's. Next, set clear boundaries so you may spend quality time with these top priorities in your life. You can set attainable goals by using time-management techniques, evaluating your to-do list, and eliminating things of little or no value.

Consider when you are most effective at job and reserve that time for the most critical activities in your career. Avoid constantly checking your phone and email because they are significant time wasters that interfere with your focus and productivity. Organizing your morning can help you be more effective at the duty and have more time to relax after work.

Bottom line

People frequently associate having a successful career with having a nice life. However, this may not always be the case. Different situations may arise that break the usual schedule.

Finding a healthy and balanced life is not about how much time you spend at the office versus at home. It's more about knowing when to perform and hang off the laptop, whether you are at job or home.

It involves knowing how to set boundaries that are appropriate for both your professional and personal lives. Even though finding a balanced life does not come naturally, you may develop good habits that will help you keep up a schedule that suits you. A few points are detailed above if you wish to observe them and get positive results with references to work-life balance.

About The Author

Sibghat Tabassum is a skilled and experienced content writer. She is eager to develop a distinctive content approach and possesses outstanding verbal and written communication abilities. She has mastered the art of assuming the audience's viewpoint throughout her career.

Her goal was to produce flawless, coherent work that would hold the audience's interest and inspire them to take action. She appreciates creating new content every day for a different task for a different client and believes that multitasking and achieving numerous deadlines will improve her writing. She is willing to venture outside her comfort zone to learn new abilities.

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