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Writer's pictureMehak Mahajan

Don't Ignore the Signals: Common Signs of Declining Mental Health

Have you ever had sleepless nights or slept beyond the expected hours? Have you, by any chance, lost all interest in all that surrounds you? Have you, at any point, stopped taking care of yourself to the point where the basics of hygiene are compromised? If yes, you might have been subjected to the signs of declining mental health!

By its very nature, the mind is susceptible to a myriad of complications. Ups and downs, here and there, in the mental state are inevitable, considering certain situations are always uncontrollable. However, if the winds of the weather are too strong to disrupt our normal functioning, we may need to seek professional help before it gets too late.

Therefore, it is crucial to recognize whether or not the mental well-being of ourselves and our close ones is up to the mark. In this blog, I will walk you through the common signs of mental health issues so that you can take the necessary steps before things get worse.

By the time the blog ends, it will be easier for you to spot the inner world turmoil. Thus, stick with me till the end of it!

Signs of Declining Mental Health

Common Signs of Declining Mental Health

Let us now explore the several signs of mental health issues, some of which you might be familiar with:

1. Irrational Thinking

It all starts with a thought. We've all heard that thought is the seed that gives birth to an action, be it healthy or sickly. When taking the signs of declining mental health into account, we cannot neglect the cognitive aspect. Irrational thought patterns form the ground on which mental health problems stand and flourish. Anxiety, depression, and OCD are all linked to faulty thinking.

Catastrophic thinking is one form of it, where all your mind does is predict the worst possible outcome. Moreover, you might fall into the trap of self-defeating thought patterns. This could manifest in the form of negative self-talk.

Such thought patterns can wreak havoc on your mental well-being. They are the contributors to a negative self-image, low self-esteem, and the resultant hopelessness. Therefore, irrational thinking can be taken to be one of the deadliest signs of mental health issues.

2. Rapid Mood Shifts

All of our moods are susceptible to change, all within a day. However, when it happens to extreme degrees, that is, when we suddenly feel elated and are abruptly down for no apparent reason, we should be concerned. Moreover, especially if it feels too intense or unbearable or lasts for too long, we must surely consider it to be one of the evident signs of declining mental health.

Ranging from bipolar to borderline disorder, a whole load of mental health conditions are linked to such extreme mood swings. Highs and lows at certain points in time are absolutely normal. However, if they tend to happen all too often, they might be a perceptible sign of mental health issues.

Some people with signs of declining mental health also mention feeling a sense of unexplained emptiness, sadness, or boredom. Emotional numbness, wherein the moods and emotions become repressed, is also found in many people.

It has been explained as a coping strategy developed in response to trauma, yet its excessive use is one of the signs of declining mental health that must not be left unchecked.

3. Lack of Personal Hygiene

Marked by a dullness in emotions, mental health disorders like depression manifest themselves in the form of a lack of motivation. This declining motivation can extend to encompass even something as basic as personal hygiene. You might feel drained of all energy and feel as if you can't even get out of your bed to brush your teeth.

Moreover, as we've just discussed, the emotional numbness that comes with certain conditions might leave you feeling perpetually exhausted. Therefore, tasks as basic as having a bath might seem to demand much more energy than they do. Therefore, you might avoid performing them altogether.

Not only does it indicate self-neglect, but a lack of personal hygiene can further exacerbate your mental health. Not only is it one of the signs of declining mental health, but it can also become one of the contributors to it in the long term. Therefore, compromising personal hygiene should be taken very seriously.

4. A Loss of Appetite/Overeating

Being exposed to a stressor that you find difficult to deal with can cause you to lose your appetite. However, it is an extreme stress response. If you become habituated and find yourself succumbing to it on most days, it might be one of the common signs of mental health issues that you must not ignore.

A loss of appetite is not the only stress response. Contrary to it, some people might go ahead to gulp loads of food items, perhaps those edibles that are fatty and sugary. You might find them devouring unhealthy food almost every day, and rather excessively so.

Designated as emotional eating, such thoughtless munching might give you a surge of dopamine that helps you feel a bit better in the short term. However, while trying to feel differently, you attempt to sweep the problem under the rug. This further works to make it worse!

5. Self-Isolation

While we all might crave solitude now and then, people on the verge of succumbing to a mental health condition might avoid leaving the house altogether. They might develop a comfort zone around being alone and start to feel threatened by social interactions. Additionally, people might feel too demotivated or exhausted to interact with anyone. When even getting up from the bed is a challenge, social interactions lie far off the equation.

Moreover, people who are feeling down might feel like they would have to put a mask on to be able to go out. For the same reason, they might feel a dire need to self-isolate. However, it might perpetuate feelings of loneliness, thereby inflaming a full-blown condition when persistent.

Furthermore, people who self-isolate are often looking for ways to self-preserve. They might feel a sense of control over their surroundings, which might work to increase certainty and decrease anxiety in the short term. However, it only worsens one's mental state and is one of the major signs of declining mental health.

signs of mental health issues

Over to You!

From irrational thinking and rapid mood shifts to overeating and self-isolation, I have covered all of the crucial signs of mental health issues in this blog. With the help of the discussed indicators, you can surely recognize whenever you or your loved ones need help. Therefore, do not take these signs of declining mental health for granted!


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