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Noor Mehta

Brain Versus Heart: Conflict.

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

It's a common experience to find ourselves torn between two different thoughts or emotions. Sometimes, our rational brain tells us one thing, while our heart or intuition suggests another. In these situations, it can be challenging to know which to follow.

On one hand, our brain is the seat of logic, reason, and analysis. It's the part of us that evaluates information, weighs the pros and cons, and makes rational decisions.

On the other hand, our heart represents our emotions, passions, and desires. It's the part of us that feels deeply and intuitively, and that guides us towards what we truly want and need.

Brain versus heart

So, what should you listen to when your brain and heart are in conflict? The answer depends on the situation, but here are some things to consider:

Understand the source of the conflict

The first step is to try to understand why your brain and heart are in conflict. What are the underlying thoughts, feelings, or beliefs that are driving each perspective?

Are they based on different values, fears, or priorities? By identifying the source of the conflict, you can gain clarity about what each side is trying to tell you.

For example, suppose you're considering a job offer that pays well but requires you to work long hours and travel frequently.

Your brain may be telling you that the money is worth the sacrifice, while your heart may be telling you that the job would make you unhappy and stressed.

By exploring the underlying factors behind these perspectives, such as your financial goals, work-life balance, and job satisfaction, you can gain a deeper understanding of what matters most to you.

Confusion all day

Consider the long-term consequences

Another important factor to consider is the long-term consequences of each choice. What impact will each decision have on your life, relationships, and well-being over time?

While our emotions can sometimes cloud our judgement in the short-term, our rational brain can help us see the bigger picture.

For example, suppose you're considering ending a long-term relationship because you're attracted to someone else.

Your heart may be telling you to follow your feelings and pursue the new person, while your brain may be warning you about the potential fallout of ending a committed relationship.

By considering the long-term consequences of each choice, such as the impact on your partner, your own emotional well-being, and your future relationships, you can make a more informed decision.

Trust your gut

While our rational brain can provide valuable insights, our intuition or "gut feeling" can also be a powerful source of guidance.

Our intuition is the unconscious processing of information and experiences that we've accumulated over time, and it can provide us with a sense of what's right or wrong for us.

how to trust on guts

For example, suppose you're considering taking a job that looks great on paper but feels off to you for some reason. Your brain may be telling you that the job is a great opportunity, while your gut may be telling you that something isn't quite right.

By tuning into your intuition and listening to your inner voice, you may be able to pick up on subtle clues or red flags that your brain might miss.

Seek input from others

Sometimes, when we're too close to a situation, it can be hard to see things clearly. In these cases, seeking input from others can be helpful. Talking to friends, family, or a trusted advisor can provide you with an outside perspective and help you weigh the pros and cons of each choice.

Taking advice from an expert

For example, suppose you're considering whether to move to a new city for a job opportunity. Your brain may be telling you that the job is a great opportunity, while your heart may be telling you that you'll miss your current community.

By talking to people who know you well and have your best interests at heart, you can gain a broader perspective on

How can we overcome this situation ?

Overcoming a situation where your brain and heart are in conflict can be challenging, but there are some strategies that can help you make a decision that feels right for you:

Take time to reflect:

Don't rush into making a decision. Take some time to reflect on what each perspective is telling you and why you're feeling torn. Write down your thoughts and feelings, and consider what's important to you in the situation.

Practice mindfulness:

Mindfulness can help you tune into your thoughts and emotions without judgement or attachment. By practising mindfulness meditation, you can cultivate greater self-awareness and clarity about what you're feeling and why.

Practicing meditation whenever stuck in between mind and brain

Seek advice:

Talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or therapist. Sometimes, getting an outside perspective can help you see things in a new light and gain a deeper understanding of your own feelings and needs.

Look for compromises:

Consider whether there are ways to meet both your rational and emotional needs. Can you find a middle ground that allows you to honour both perspectives?

For example, if you're torn between taking a high-paying job that requires long hours and a job that pays less but is more fulfilling, can you negotiate a more flexible work schedule or find a job that pays well and is also meaningful to you?

Trust yourself:

Ultimately, the decision you make is yours. Trust yourself to make the best choice for you, even if it's not the easiest or most logical one.

Remember that your intuition and emotions can be valuable sources of guidance, and that sometimes, the most rational choice may not be the right one for you.

Trust yourself

In conclusion, when your brain and heart are in conflict, it can be difficult to know what to do.

However, by understanding the source of the conflict, considering the long-term consequences, trusting your gut, seeking input from others, and taking time to reflect, you can make a decision that feels right for you. Remember that there is no right or wrong answer, and that the most important thing is to honour your own needs and values.

About The Author

Noor Mehta, born on 13th June, 2003. She is a student of management and turned herself as a blogger at the age of 18. She loves to read books, and is an optimistic person. You can't understand Noor easily. She wants to express her feeling through experienced content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. skilled in English, marketing, content marketing and social media marketing.

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